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Universal Energies to Transform Your Life using Energetic NLP with creator Art Giser and Host Angela Zabel

Jan. 16th 2024 at 7pm CST- Listen HERE.
Universal Energies to Transform Your Life using Energetic NLP with creator ,Art Giser, CA

What is NLP or Neuro- linguistic programming? How can you move yourself from feeling stuck to personal freedom? What are easy ways for you to reach your full potential, achieve personal transformation for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self, to move forward? Do you have to dig up the past, or is there another way? What does NLP help with? Can NLP help adjust your chakras? What energy techniques can you use to guide you to your own inner wisdom? How to handle the changing and sometimes chaotic world we live in? What was it like to receive two empowerments from the Dalai Lama of Tibet? How did Art discover Energetic NLP and how has it changed his life?

Check out more about Art
Twitter: @agiser
Skype: agiser
A Free Gift for the listeners:
The Free Energetic NLP BlockBuster Video Mini Course
Energetically Eliminate Unconscious Blocks and Programming and Replace Them with Your Inner Wisdom and Spiritual Information
Click Here for the free BlockBuster Mini Program

Art Giser is a visionary powerhouse with a lifetime of diverse experiences that have shaped him into a true trailblazer. With a background spanning 39 years, in the realms of NLP, scientific exploration, psychic development, energetic and spiritual healing. Art's insatiable curiosity led him to a role as a research lab manager at the University of California, San Francisco Medical School for eleven years. Instilling a deep appreciation for the intricacies of human potential and sparked a lifelong passion for understanding the unseen dimensions that shape our reality.
As an executive coach, becoming an invaluable asset to some of the world's largest corporations. Empowering leaders and fostering the creation of highly collaborative and high-performing teams. An innovative coaching style that transcends the boundaries of conventional methods. This has earned him a reputation as a sought-after mentor for those seeking transformative growth and profound shifts in both their personal and professional lives. Some of his clients include Sony, HP, Intel, Pfizer, and Merril Lynch.
Art has an undeniable spirit of joy and playfulness. Infamous for infusing every endeavor with his innate sense of fun, he has earned the admiration and trust of countless individuals on their journeys to self-discovery. His enthusiasm has fueled the creation of Energetic NLP, a groundbreaking methodology that empowers people to rapidly and effortlessly unleash their fullest potential. Art guides others to release limiting beliefs and shed old energetic programming that no longer serves them, allowing them to tap into their Miraculous Self—their most authentic and powerful essence.
Currently splitting his time between Los Angeles and San Francisco. With a global clientele, he regularly conducts life-changing intensives, transformative retreats, captivating online seminars, and personalized training sessions with audiences worldwide.
A teacher, mentor and beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Dedicated to helping others unleash their true potential and embrace their inner brilliance, he continues to be a guiding light for countless individuals seeking to rewrite their life's narrative. Whether you encounter him in the classroom, at a workshop, or through the pages of his profound writing, one thing is certain: Art Giser's influence will leave an indelible mark on your soul and ignite a transformative spark that will guide you to greater heights of self-discovery and empowerment.

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